Mid Century Chiadma Carpet

Mid Century Chiadma Carpet


One of our most exceptional and historic old rugs from the time when beautiful rural rugs served as large family sleeping mats in tents or simple Berber country homes. This gorgeous piece features some unusual symbols that we rarely see in rugs nowadays - angular shapes that resemble pegs, hammers, stamps, and so on, that in Berber symbology represent a male presence. Exceptionally this rare rug features the classic feminine symbol - the lozenge - only in the center of the piece. Now with the pile worn low and with restorations throughout, along with a few clearly visible marks, this collectible rug hails from a time in Berber history that is almost forgotten

Size: 4.15m by 1.65m approx

Reference: CA400015

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EU £15

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Mid Century Zaiane Carpet red story 13.jpg

Mid Century Zaiane Carpet
