Mid-Century Marmoucha Rug

Mid-Century Marmoucha Rug


An artful old rug from north-eastern Morocco with a beautiful aged patina and unusual, striking symbols create in softly faded yellow, dark mauve, and pink. Simple, small lozenge and square motifs come together to create an intricate border design and the central two lozenge networks. Filling the area around this network and within the borders are more unusual symbols, thought in Berber culture to be a combination of both the ‘male’ and ‘female’ essence. Now worn to a lovely blanket-like texture, this original wool rug has the gentle personality of an authentic old piece. There are some subtle marks in the rug

Size: 2.55m plus fringes by 1.80m or 8’4’’ plus fringes by 5’11’’ approx

Reference: FIN07

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EU £15

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